File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
CAiArena.cppThe AI arena
CAiArena.hHeader file of the AI arena manager
CAiBomber.cppBomber bot
CAiBomber.hHeader file of the bot bomber
CAiManager.cppThe AI management functions
CAiManager.hHeader file of the AI manager
CArena.cppArena during a match
CArena.hHeader file of the arena
CArenaCloser.cppArena closer (walls falling down)
CArenaCloser.hHeader file of the arena closer
CArenaSnapshot.cppArena snapshot for network exchange
CArenaSnapshot.hHeader file of the arena snapshot
CBoard.cppThe board during a match showing time and bombers' health and wins
CBoard.hHeader file of the board
CBomb.cppThe bomb
CBomb.hHeader file of a bomb
CBomber.cppThe bombers
CBomber.hHeader file of the bomber
CBomberMove.cppBomber moves
CBomberMove.hHeader file of bomber moves
CClock.cppThe clock
CClock.hHeader file of the clock
CCloudManager.cppThe cloud manager
CCloudManager.hHeader file of the cloud manager
CCommandChunk.cppCommand chunk
CCommandChunk.hHeader file of the command chunk
CConsole.cppThe console (helpful during development)
CConsole.hHeader file of the console
CControls.cppThe control settings screen
CControls.hHeader file of the controls
CDebug.cppUtilities for debugging
CDebug.hHeader file of the debug utilities
CDemo.cppThe demo
CDemo.hHeader file of the demo
CDirectDraw.cppDirect draw function calls on Windows
CDirectDraw.hHeader file of the direct draw interface
CDirectInput.cppHandling input devices on Windows
CDirectInput.hHeader file of the direct input on Windows
CDisplay.cppLoad and display sprites, change screen mode
CDisplay.hHeader file of the display
CDrawGame.cppDraw game - no player won
CDrawGame.hHeader file of a draw game
CElement.cppAn element of the arena
CElement.hAn element in the arena
CExplosion.hHeader file of an explosion
CFloor.cppFloor in the arena
CFloor.hHeader file of the floor
CFont.hHeader file of the font
CGame.cppThe core of the program, handling sub-components, program control
CGame.hHeader file of the game
CHurryMessage.cppThe hurry message
CHurryMessage.hHeader file of the hurry message
CInput.hHeader file of input devices
CItem.cppItem a bomber may pick
CItem.hHeader file of an item
CLog.cppHandling the log
CLog.hHeader file of the log
CMainInput.cppThe main input device for menu and system controls
CMainInput.hHeader file of the main input
CMatch.cppThe match (bombers are playing)
CMatch.hHeader file of a match
CMenu.hHeader file of the menu
CMenuBase.cppThe menu base
CMenuBase.hHeader file of the menu base
CMenuBomber.cppThe menu where you can choose the bombers
CMenuBomber.hHeader file of the bomber menu
CMenuInput.cppHandling inputs during the menu
CMenuInput.hHeader file of the menu input
CMenuLevel.cppThe menu where you can choose a level
CMenuLevel.hHeader file of the level menu
CMenuMatch.cppThe menu where you can set match options
CMenuMatch.hHeader file of the match menu
CMenuYesNo.cppThe yes/no menu
CMenuYesNo.hHeader file of the yes/no menu
CModeScreen.cppThe screen basics
CModeScreen.hHeader file of the screen mode
CMosaic.cppMosaic background in menus
CMosaic.hHeader file of the mosaic
COptions.cppHandling game options, saving to and reading from file
COptions.hHeader file for the game options
CPauseMessage.cppPause message
CPauseMessage.hHeader file of the pause message
CPlayerInput.cppPlayer's input device
CPlayerInput.hHeader file of a player's input
CRandomMosaic.cppA random mosaic
CRandomMosaic.hHeader file of a random mosaic
CScores.cppThe scores
CScores.hHeader file for the scores during a game
CScroller.cppThe scroller used by pause and hurry message
CScroller.hHeader file of the scroller
CSDLInput.cppSDL input devices on Linux
CSDLInput.hHeader file of the SDL input
CSDLVideo.cppSDL video on Linux
CSDLVideo.hHeader file of the SDL video
CSound.hHeader file of the sound
CTimer.hHeader file of the timer
CTitle.cppTitle screen (main screen of Bombermaaan at program start)
CTitle.hHeader file of the title screen
CVictory.cppThe victory screen (after a player has won all matches)
CVictory.hHeader file of the victory screen
CWall.cppWall element of the arena
CWall.hHeader file of the arena's wall element
CWindow.cppImplementation of the CWindow class
CWindow.hHeader file of the CWindow class
CWinner.cppThe winner screen (after a match has ended and one bomber has won the match)
CWinner.hHeader file of the winner screen
WinMain.cppEntry point of the program for both Linux and Windows
winreplace.cppWindows function calls rewritten for Linux
winreplace.hReplaces a windows.h include (for Linux)

Generated on Sat Oct 18 12:26:49 2008 for Bombermaaan by  doxygen 1.5.5
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