BombermaaanIco.h | |
CAiArena.cpp | The AI arena |
CAiArena.h | Header file of the AI arena manager |
CAiBomber.cpp | Bomber bot |
CAiBomber.h | Header file of the bot bomber |
CAiManager.cpp | The AI management functions |
CAiManager.h | Header file of the AI manager |
CArena.cpp | Arena during a match |
CArena.h | Header file of the arena |
CArenaCloser.cpp | Arena closer (walls falling down) |
CArenaCloser.h | Header file of the arena closer |
CArenaSnapshot.cpp | Arena snapshot for network exchange |
CArenaSnapshot.h | Header file of the arena snapshot |
CBoard.cpp | The board during a match showing time and bombers' health and wins |
CBoard.h | Header file of the board |
CBomb.cpp | The bomb |
CBomb.h | Header file of a bomb |
CBomber.cpp | The bombers |
CBomber.h | Header file of the bomber |
CBomberMove.cpp | Bomber moves |
CBomberMove.h | Header file of bomber moves |
CClock.cpp | The clock |
CClock.h | Header file of the clock |
CCloudManager.cpp | The cloud manager |
CCloudManager.h | Header file of the cloud manager |
CCommandChunk.cpp | Command chunk |
CCommandChunk.h | Header file of the command chunk |
CConsole.cpp | The console (helpful during development) |
CConsole.h | Header file of the console |
CControls.cpp | The control settings screen |
CControls.h | Header file of the controls |
CDebug.cpp | Utilities for debugging |
CDebug.h | Header file of the debug utilities |
CDemo.cpp | The demo |
CDemo.h | Header file of the demo |
CDirectDraw.cpp | Direct draw function calls on Windows |
CDirectDraw.h | Header file of the direct draw interface |
CDirectInput.cpp | Handling input devices on Windows |
CDirectInput.h | Header file of the direct input on Windows |
CDisplay.cpp | Load and display sprites, change screen mode |
CDisplay.h | Header file of the display |
CDrawGame.cpp | Draw game - no player won |
CDrawGame.h | Header file of a draw game |
CElement.cpp | An element of the arena |
CElement.h | An element in the arena |
CExplosion.cpp | Explosions |
CExplosion.h | Header file of an explosion |
CFloor.cpp | Floor in the arena |
CFloor.h | Header file of the floor |
CFont.cpp | Font |
CFont.h | Header file of the font |
CGame.cpp | The core of the program, handling sub-components, program control |
CGame.h | Header file of the game |
CHurryMessage.cpp | The hurry message |
CHurryMessage.h | Header file of the hurry message |
CInput.cpp | Input |
CInput.h | Header file of input devices |
CItem.cpp | Item a bomber may pick |
CItem.h | Header file of an item |
CLog.cpp | Handling the log |
CLog.h | Header file of the log |
CMainInput.cpp | The main input device for menu and system controls |
CMainInput.h | Header file of the main input |
CMatch.cpp | The match (bombers are playing) |
CMatch.h | Header file of a match |
CMenu.cpp | Menu |
CMenu.h | Header file of the menu |
CMenuBase.cpp | The menu base |
CMenuBase.h | Header file of the menu base |
CMenuBomber.cpp | The menu where you can choose the bombers |
CMenuBomber.h | Header file of the bomber menu |
CMenuInput.cpp | Handling inputs during the menu |
CMenuInput.h | Header file of the menu input |
CMenuLevel.cpp | The menu where you can choose a level |
CMenuLevel.h | Header file of the level menu |
CMenuMatch.cpp | The menu where you can set match options |
CMenuMatch.h | Header file of the match menu |
CMenuYesNo.cpp | The yes/no menu |
CMenuYesNo.h | Header file of the yes/no menu |
CModeScreen.cpp | The screen basics |
CModeScreen.h | Header file of the screen mode |
CMosaic.cpp | Mosaic background in menus |
CMosaic.h | Header file of the mosaic |
COptions.cpp | Handling game options, saving to and reading from file |
COptions.h | Header file for the game options |
CPauseMessage.cpp | Pause message |
CPauseMessage.h | Header file of the pause message |
CPlayerInput.cpp | Player's input device |
CPlayerInput.h | Header file of a player's input |
CRandomMosaic.cpp | A random mosaic |
CRandomMosaic.h | Header file of a random mosaic |
CScores.cpp | The scores |
CScores.h | Header file for the scores during a game |
CScroller.cpp | The scroller used by pause and hurry message |
CScroller.h | Header file of the scroller |
CSDLInput.cpp | SDL input devices on Linux |
CSDLInput.h | Header file of the SDL input |
CSDLVideo.cpp | SDL video on Linux |
CSDLVideo.h | Header file of the SDL video |
CSound.cpp | Sound |
CSound.h | Header file of the sound |
CTimer.h | Header file of the timer |
CTitle.cpp | Title screen (main screen of Bombermaaan at program start) |
CTitle.h | Header file of the title screen |
CVictory.cpp | The victory screen (after a player has won all matches) |
CVictory.h | Header file of the victory screen |
CWall.cpp | Wall element of the arena |
CWall.h | Header file of the arena's wall element |
CWindow.cpp | Implementation of the CWindow class |
CWindow.h | Header file of the CWindow class |
CWinner.cpp | The winner screen (after a match has ended and one bomber has won the match) |
CWinner.h | Header file of the winner screen |
WinMain.cpp | Entry point of the program for both Linux and Windows |
winreplace.cpp | Windows function calls rewritten for Linux |
winreplace.h | Replaces a windows.h include (for Linux) |