_finddata_t | |
abs_time_t | |
CAiArena | |
CAiBomber | |
CAiManager | |
CArena | |
CArenaCloser | This class manages the closure of an arena |
CArenaSnapshot | |
CBoard | The board that is above the arena in the match screen. It shows the scores and the time left |
CBomb | An element in the arena which represents a bomb |
CBomber | An element in the arena which represents a bomber |
CBomberMove | This class manages the moves of a bomber |
CClock | CClock is a reusable class which manages a clock with several types and modes |
CCloudManager | This class manages the clouds |
CCommandChunk | |
CConsole | CConsole is a class which provides a console window besides the main game window |
CControls | The controls screen that appears when choosing Options in the main menu |
CDebug | This class is for debugging purposes |
CDemo | The demo screen, showing a match between computer players |
CDirectDraw | CDirectDraw manages the DirectDraw stuff |
CDirectInput | |
CDisplay | |
CDrawGame | The Draw Game screen that appears after there is a draw game in a match |
CElement | The base class for every element of the arena |
CExplosion | An element in the arena which represents an explosion |
CFloor | An element in the arena which represents a bomb |
CFont | |
CGame | The main window class of Bombermaaan |
CHurryMessage | Manages the hurry message (match end almost reached) during a match |
CInput | |
CItem | An element in the arena which represents an item |
CLog | Implements a log file where messages can be written to |
CMainInput | |
CMatch | The match screen, managing the arena and the board |
CMenu | |
CMenuBase | |
CMenuBomber | Handles the menu where bombers can be set to manual/computer/off |
CMenuInput | |
CMenuLevel | Shows a level with a mini layout picture and lets the user navigate through the different levels |
CMenuMatch | Change time options, start of arena closure and number of winning matches |
CMenuYesNo | A mini menu with two options: yes or no |
CModeScreen | |
CMosaic | |
COptions | Contains every option in the game and manages the configuration file |
CPauseMessage | Handles the pause message during a match |
CPlayerInput | |
CRandomMosaic | |
CScores | |
CScroller | |
CSDLInput | |
CSDLVideo | |
CSound | CSound handles the songs and samples |
CTimer | Accurate timer using the Windows API |
CTitle | The title screen |
CVictory | The victory screen that appears after a player has won a match (a match is composed of battles) |
CWall | An element in the arena which represents a wall |
CWindow | Base class for managing the main window |
CWinner | The winner (scoreboard) screen that appears after a player has won one battle |
SBlock | Describes the coordinates of a block (used for dead ends' exits) |
SBomberSpriteTable | Describes a sprite table with bomber sprites inside |
SClosePosition | Describes a block position to close when the arena is closing |
SCommandStep | |
SConfetti | Describes the state of a confetti |
SDebugDrawingRequest | |
SDisplayMode | |
SDrawingRequest | Describes a drawing request |
SEnumParam | |
SFlame | Describe a flame created by an explosion |
SJoystick | The SJoystick structure contains information about one joystick created by DirectInput |
SMenuControl | |
SMosaicTileProperties | |
SSprite | |
SSurface | |
SSystemControl | |
tagRECT |