CSDLInput Class Reference

#include <CSDLInput.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CSDLInput (void)
 ~CSDLInput (void)
void SetWindowHandle (HWND hWnd)
void SetInstanceHandle (HINSTANCE hInstance)
bool Create (void)
void Destroy (void)
void OpenKeyboard (void)
bool IsKeyboardOpened (void)
void CloseKeyboard (void)
void UpdateKeyboard (void)
bool GetKey (int Key)
void SetKey (int Key, bool KeySet)
const char * GetKeyFriendlyName (int Key)
int GetJoystickCount (void)
void OpenJoystick (int Joystick)
bool IsJoystickOpened (int Joystick)
void CloseJoystick (int Joystick)
void UpdateJoystick (int Joystick)
int GetJoystickAxisX (int Joystick)
int GetJoystickAxisY (int Joystick)
bool GetJoystickButton (int Joystick, int Button)
void SetJoystickAxisX (int Joystick, int AxisX)
void SetJoystickAxisY (int Joystick, int AxisY)
void SetJoystickButton (int Joystick, int Button, bool onoff)

Private Member Functions

bool UpdateDevice (SDL_Joystick *pDevice, void *pState, int StateSize)
void MakeKeyFriendlyNames (void)

Private Attributes

bool m_Ready
HINSTANCE m_hInstance
 Handle to the application instance (needed to use SDLInput).
HWND m_hWnd
 Handle to the window (needed to use SDLInput).
bool m_KeyboardOpened
 Is the system keyboard _supposed_ to be opened?
char m_KeyState [MAX_KEYS]
 State of each key on the system keyboard.
char m_KeyFriendlyName [MAX_KEYS][MAX_PATH]
 More friendly name for each key.
vector< SJoystick * > m_pJoysticks
 All joystick SDLInput devices installed in the system.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CSDLInput::CSDLInput ( void   ) 

CSDLInput::~CSDLInput ( void   ) 

Member Function Documentation

bool CSDLInput::UpdateDevice ( SDL_Joystick *  pDevice,
void *  pState,
int  StateSize 
) [private]

void CSDLInput::MakeKeyFriendlyNames ( void   )  [private]

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CSDLInput::SetWindowHandle ( HWND  hWnd  )  [inline]

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CSDLInput::SetInstanceHandle ( HINSTANCE  hInstance  )  [inline]

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool CSDLInput::Create ( void   ) 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CSDLInput::Destroy ( void   ) 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CSDLInput::OpenKeyboard ( void   )  [inline]

bool CSDLInput::IsKeyboardOpened ( void   )  [inline]

void CSDLInput::CloseKeyboard ( void   )  [inline]

void CSDLInput::UpdateKeyboard ( void   ) 

bool CSDLInput::GetKey ( int  Key  )  [inline]

void CSDLInput::SetKey ( int  Key,
bool  KeySet 
) [inline]

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const char * CSDLInput::GetKeyFriendlyName ( int  Key  )  [inline]

int CSDLInput::GetJoystickCount ( void   )  [inline]

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CSDLInput::OpenJoystick ( int  Joystick  )  [inline]

bool CSDLInput::IsJoystickOpened ( int  Joystick  )  [inline]

void CSDLInput::CloseJoystick ( int  Joystick  )  [inline]

void CSDLInput::UpdateJoystick ( int  Joystick  ) 

int CSDLInput::GetJoystickAxisX ( int  Joystick  )  [inline]

int CSDLInput::GetJoystickAxisY ( int  Joystick  )  [inline]

bool CSDLInput::GetJoystickButton ( int  Joystick,
int  Button 
) [inline]

void CSDLInput::SetJoystickAxisX ( int  Joystick,
int  AxisX 
) [inline]

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CSDLInput::SetJoystickAxisY ( int  Joystick,
int  AxisY 
) [inline]

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CSDLInput::SetJoystickButton ( int  Joystick,
int  Button,
bool  onoff 
) [inline]

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

bool CSDLInput::m_Ready [private]

HINSTANCE CSDLInput::m_hInstance [private]

Handle to the application instance (needed to use SDLInput).

HWND CSDLInput::m_hWnd [private]

Handle to the window (needed to use SDLInput).

Is the system keyboard _supposed_ to be opened?

char CSDLInput::m_KeyState[MAX_KEYS] [private]

State of each key on the system keyboard.

char CSDLInput::m_KeyFriendlyName[MAX_KEYS][MAX_PATH] [private]

More friendly name for each key.

vector<SJoystick*> CSDLInput::m_pJoysticks [private]

All joystick SDLInput devices installed in the system.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Sat Oct 18 12:26:48 2008 for Bombermaaan by  doxygen 1.5.5
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