SConfetti Struct Reference

Describes the state of a confetti. More...

#include <CVictory.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

EConfetti Type
 Type of the confetti.
float PositionX
 Position X (in pixels) in the game view.
float PositionY
 Position Y (in pixels) in the game view.
float SpeedX
 Speed (in pixels per second) on the X-axis.
float SpeedY
 Speed (in pixels per second) on the Y-axis.
float AnimationTimer
 Timer of the loop animation of the confetti.
int Sprite
 Sprite offset number (to add to confetti color offset number).

Detailed Description

Describes the state of a confetti.

Member Data Documentation

Type of the confetti.

Position X (in pixels) in the game view.

Position Y (in pixels) in the game view.

Speed (in pixels per second) on the X-axis.

Speed (in pixels per second) on the Y-axis.

Timer of the loop animation of the confetti.

Sprite offset number (to add to confetti color offset number).

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sat Oct 18 12:26:49 2008 for Bombermaaan by  doxygen 1.5.5
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