CRandomMosaic Class Reference

#include <CRandomMosaic.h>

Collaboration diagram for CRandomMosaic:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static CMosaicCreateRandomMosaic (CDisplay *pDisplay, int SpriteLayer, int PriorityInLayer, float SpeedX, float SpeedY, EMosaicColor Color)

Static Private Attributes

static SMosaicTileProperties m_MosaicTileProperties [3][3]

Member Function Documentation

CMosaic * CRandomMosaic::CreateRandomMosaic ( CDisplay pDisplay,
int  SpriteLayer,
int  PriorityInLayer,
float  SpeedX,
float  SpeedY,
EMosaicColor  Color 
) [static]

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

Initial value:

        { 46, 0, 9, 15, 64, 32 },
        { 47, 0, 7, 12, 82, 41 },
        { 48, 0, 7, 12, 82, 41 }
        { 19, 0, 9, 15, 64, 32 },
        { 51, 0, 7, 12, 82, 41 },
        { 52, 0, 7, 12, 82, 41 }
        { 29, 0, 9, 15, 64, 32 },
        { 49, 0, 7, 12, 82, 41 },
        { 50, 0, 7, 12, 82, 41 }

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Sat Oct 18 12:26:48 2008 for Bombermaaan by  doxygen 1.5.5
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