CMenuYesNo.cpp File Reference

The yes/no menu. More...

#include "STDAFX.H"
#include "CMenuYesNo.h"
#include "CDisplay.h"
#include "CInput.h"
#include "CSound.h"
#include "CGame.h"

Include dependency graph for CMenuYesNo.cpp:


 Position X of the first option's text in the menu.
 Position Y of the first option's text in the menu.
#define TEXT_SPACE_Y   15
 Space Y in pixels between two options text.
#define CURSOR_HAND_SPACE_X   -25
 Space X to apply to text position to get the cursor hand sprite position X.
#define CURSOR_HAND_SPACE_Y   -2
 Space Y to apply to text position to get the cursor hand sprite position Y.
 Sprite table of the cursor hand sprites.
 Sprite number to use for the cursor hand.
#define SPRITE_LAYER_FRAME   800
 Sprite layer where to draw the menu frame sprite.
 Sprite layer where to draw the sprites that should be above the menu frame.

Detailed Description

The yes/no menu.

Define Documentation

#define CURSOR_HAND_SPACE_X   -25

Space X to apply to text position to get the cursor hand sprite position X.

#define CURSOR_HAND_SPACE_Y   -2

Space Y to apply to text position to get the cursor hand sprite position Y.


Sprite number to use for the cursor hand.


Sprite table of the cursor hand sprites.


Position X of the first option's text in the menu.


Position Y of the first option's text in the menu.


Sprite layer where to draw the sprites that should be above the menu frame.

#define SPRITE_LAYER_FRAME   800

Sprite layer where to draw the menu frame sprite.

#define TEXT_SPACE_Y   15

Space Y in pixels between two options text.

Generated on Sat Oct 18 12:26:39 2008 for Bombermaaan by  doxygen 1.5.5
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