CMenuMatch.cpp File Reference

The menu where you can set match options. More...

#include "STDAFX.H"
#include "CMenuLevel.h"
#include "CDisplay.h"
#include "CInput.h"
#include "COptions.h"
#include "CFont.h"
#include "CMenu.h"
#include "CSound.h"

Include dependency graph for CMenuMatch.cpp:


 Sprite layer where to draw sprites.
 Position Y of the title text that is centered on the X axis.
 Initial position of the text "BATTLE".
#define INITIAL_TEXT_POSITION_Y   (77+90)
#define TYPE_TEXT_SPACE_X   75
 X Space in pixels between the "BOMBER" text X position and the type's text X position.
#define TEXT_SPACE_Y   21
 Y Space in pixels between each "BOMBER" text Y position.
#define CURSOR_HAND_SPACE_X   -25
 Space in pixels between the "BOMBER" text position.
#define CURSOR_HAND_SPACE_Y   -2
 and the cursor hand pointing to the corresponding bomber head
 Sprite table where the menu's cursor hand sprites are contained.
 Sprite number of the cursor hand in the sprite table.
 Priority to use when drawing the menu's bomber hand sprites.
 String of the menu's title centered on the X axis.
 String of a menu item centered on the X axis.
 String of a menu item centered on the X axis.
 String of a menu item centered on the X axis.
#define VALUE_TEXT_SPACE_X   95
 Horizontal space between the menu item name position and its value position.

Detailed Description

The menu where you can set match options.

Define Documentation


String of a menu item centered on the X axis.


Priority to use when drawing the menu's bomber hand sprites.

#define CURSOR_HAND_SPACE_X   -25

Space in pixels between the "BOMBER" text position.

#define CURSOR_HAND_SPACE_Y   -2

and the cursor hand pointing to the corresponding bomber head


Sprite number of the cursor hand in the sprite table.


Sprite table where the menu's cursor hand sprites are contained.


Initial position of the text "BATTLE".

#define INITIAL_TEXT_POSITION_Y   (77+90)


Sprite layer where to draw sprites.

#define TEXT_SPACE_Y   21

Y Space in pixels between each "BOMBER" text Y position.


String of a menu item centered on the X axis.


String of a menu item centered on the X axis.


String of the menu's title centered on the X axis.


Position Y of the title text that is centered on the X axis.

#define TYPE_TEXT_SPACE_X   75

X Space in pixels between the "BOMBER" text X position and the type's text X position.

#define VALUE_TEXT_SPACE_X   95

Horizontal space between the menu item name position and its value position.

Generated on Sat Oct 18 12:26:39 2008 for Bombermaaan by  doxygen 1.5.5
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